Update 11/30/19


This is just going to be a quick update going over a few things. I’ve been working on my level design process over the past two weeks. My new level designs have been done in unreal by using a picture and trying to recreate it as best as I can.

In my previous update I said how I was going to work on my game “Hunterz Die”. But some things have come up and I haven’t been working on it as much as I would like.

Other then my level designs I have been working really hard on my D&D campaign. I will most likely in the future work on publishing an updated version of the rule book on a TableTop site and as a mod for Table Top Simulator.

Level Designs

Here are a few of my level designs, I downloaded some assets in unreal and have been having fun creating scenes with them.

Art Station

I made a art station today and hopefully it can be another place for me to continue to post things i’m working on. I am liking art station just from my quick use of it, and it has been a great place for me to get some extra inspiration. www.artstation.com/alpental (Click on the image below)

< Art Station >

Speed Level Design

I will hopefully be posting more of these as I get more ideas for good environments.


Thanks for reading!

I have some good things in the works so I will hopefully have another update in the coming weeks. The job search has been tough but I might have some good news soon.

Thanks again for reading, let me know if there are any environments or 3D scenes that you would like to see!