UPDATE 1/5/2020

Happy New Year!

Haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been busy. I got hired as a Level Designer at Midwinter Entertainment, working on a game called Scavengers. I am very excited to start and have been very busy preparing. I start work tomorrow (1/6/2020). I also moved to the Kirkland area with my two best friends. I’m ready for the new year.


As you can see I have made some changes to my website, hopefully making it look a bit nicer and clean. I also want to use my website and blog every now and then as a way to keep myself busy in my spare time. So I might be doing more art related things, like streaming on twitch, or more blog posts and game reviews.

RPG Line Art

I haven’t posted much of my sketches, because they are mostly fan art of hearthstone cards. But doing these line sketches is really relaxing for me, and as I get better I might do more on my own in the future.



So as I said in the begining I am working at an actual studio now, so my other project work will most likly slow down. If you want to keep up with the game or want to sign up for the playtest check out the website: https://scavengersgame.com/


I’m happy to finally have a job in the industry and am excited to see where this takes me. The game i’m working on is awesome, and that’s what matters most to me. I’m in a great spot in my life and I hope it only goes up from here. Thanks for reading and thanks for supporting me.